A Load of Waffle 

So let me tell you about the one where we built a waffle piano to criticise political waffling!

COLLABORATION with Hope Roalfe, Suphoorn Sumbochai, Suprina Gurung, Gene Chalisa
Conceptual & technical lead, physical computing, code
Processing, MakeyMakey, Photoshop
Exhibited at Lumen Awards x V&A Digital Futures

Stepping out of comfort zone: 🌶🌶🌶

Brief: Create a piece of interactive design using physical computing

This interactive piece goes into a politically neutral commentary about the systematic "waffling" in politics. To "waffle" or "waffling" is an informal term to describe speaking or writing in a deliberately ambiguous or questionable way.

By exploiting the subversion and humour in the UK's most infamous sound bites, political speeches, debates and interviews, we allow each user to creatively reinvent the absence of susbstance through touching, sounds and music.

Our biggest concern was coming across as politically biased.
So the team included speeches from politicians from all major parties with Hope leading on the sound design.

This was my first time using MakeyMakey and Processing, it was quite difficult at first to wrap my head around the Java language as I have no prior experience or training, but the use of design words such as ‘draw’ made it easy to guess as time went on. This project was my real first introduction to the physical computing world!